Have you heard of NaNoWriMo? It stands for National Novel Writing Month and happens every November. It’s a month long event to give novel writers and hopefuls a big virtual kick in the pants to get moving. The goal: To write at least 50,000 words or more by the end of the month!
Not content to run this insane writing extravaganza once a year, they hold “camps” during a couple of other months. AND it looks like April is one such month.
I’d sort of been looking at it and thinking that it could be cool, but (insert excuse, I mean, incredibly valid reason not to participate, here).
The uber prepared people have already done stacks of research, character profiles, world building, etc., and have made their extensive outlines. All they have to do during Camp is . . . write.
I’m not one of those uber prepared writers. (At least not this time around!) But I do have an idea. And I’ve been going through a fab book I’ve just found called, Take Off Your Pants!: Outline Your Books for Faster, Better Writing, so I do have a little bit of the ground work already laid. (I’ve decided I want to be a Plotter [someone who outlines their stories] rather than a Pantser [someone who just writes by the seat of their pants] and I think this book just might be the answer I’m looking for. Here’s hoping anyway!)
Sooooo . . . all of that to say that even entertaining the idea of joining NaNoWriMo Camp this time around – almost a week late! – might be totally ridiculous, but I am entertaining the idea.
I’ve got book marketing and author platforming to do and a whole bunch of lines to memorize and copywriter-for-hire possibilities to attend to, and NOW I want to add writing the first draft of a novel in record time on top of that?
The optimist in me says, Why not? You never know unless you try. It might turn out AMAZINGLY!
And you, dear reader, will get to come along as it all unfolds.
OR, you get to watch it all go down in a blaze of glorious flames as I (potentially) act true to type by biting off more than I can chew.
Eek… Gotta run to acting class now. I’ll let you know tomorrow if I decide to go for it!
Seize the day. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Better to have tried and failed, then never tried at all.
And all that.