As most everyone knows, Easter is a day about resurrection. New life coming forth where there was only death.
I think of Jesus’ disciples – confused, distraught, terrified – on that Good Friday.
How could this be happening? What about all of our hopes and dreams for the future? What about all the promises?
Clearly nothing was working out the way they’d hoped or imagined.
We’ve all experienced that sensation in our own lives, I’m sure. A moment where we look around at the life we lead and wonder how we got there.
Well, guess what? Any day is a great day to have a new beginning. For the disciples, Easter Sunday was a day where all of their hopes and dreams came alive again. Where what they once thought of as dead, became made new. The future they imagined all along was possible once more.
What dreams in you need a rebirth? Maybe it’s time to look at them again with fresh hope.
Today is Easter; what a fab day to have a new beginning.
But even if you’re reading this on another day – maybe some random, non-descript day in July – today is still a good day to start anew.
What’s in your heart? What’s one little tiny step you can take in that direction?
Remember, no step is too small. And you never know where it may lead you!
Small steps have led me to create a life in other countries. To publish a book. Go to university. Get cast in plays and films. Learn another language. The list really goes on.
I’m sure if you think of all of your accomplishments thus far, you can pinpoint small steps that set you off on your way.
So I ask you again: What’s in your heart? What small step can you take, even right now, in the direction of your dream?
Today’s a really good day for a new beginning, don’t you think?! Exciting!!